quinta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2006

Nada de sovinices!

Breve sinopse para leitores não anglófonos: Num total de 286.5 biliões de dólares para o fundo de auto-estradas e transportes federais americanos, 24 biliões foram para suborno, neste caso uma espécie de "endo-suborno ou auto-indulgência" de membros do Congresso.
Quem o afirma é Michael Reagan, filho mais velho do antigo presidente Ronald Reagan:

«In July 2005 Congress passed a massive $286.5 billion transportation bill to fund our nation's highways and federal transportation needs for the next six years. The bill included more than $24 billion in special earmark projects for members of Congress. On of the most influential figures in Washington spelled it out for me recently. And what he described in talking about the passage of that bill loaded with billions upon billions of taxpayer's dollars bordered on the criminal. When the transportation bill was being marked up, the bill's supporters in the leadership promised to every member of Congress that they would each be allotted $14 million in free earmarks if they would vote for the legislation. Members of the leadership were promised something in the neighborhood of $40 million. Added to projects already in the bill, and even with some members not taking the deal, the bill came to a total of 6,300 earmarked projects costing the taxpayers $24 billion. This is a clear case of bribery. The people being bribed were members of Congress.
The people making the bribes were members of Congress.

A grandeza dum país mede-se também pela capacidade dos seus representantes eleitos pilharem, em grande estilo, o otário.
Aliás, quem parte e reparte e não fica com uma boa parte, ou é burro ou não tem arte.
Nada de pelintrices, como as dos nossos burocratas e autarcas, esses saloios. Se um tipo é eleito, tem que comportar-se como tal. Checks and balances. Mas, sobretudo, cheques.

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